Wellsford residents clean up the streets

A group of seven environmental volunteers cleaned up 40kgs of rubbish from the streets of Wellsford in just one hour.

Organiser Jerusha Tucker says if just 50 of the town’s residents turned up to help for the next one, it could have an enormous impact.

Jerusha has started the Keep Wellsford Beautiful group on Facebook and hopes to hold clean up days regularly on the third Sunday of every month, starting on June 17.

Having seen first-hand the waste that the town is generating on the streets, the group has determined that Wellsford has a bit of a problem with rubbish at smoko time.

“The most common items we found were cigarette butts, pie wrappers and Glad wrap from sandwiches,” Jerusha says.

“Even right next to the public bins, we must have picked up 50 cigarettes.”

Cigarette butts never break down and are one of the most important waste items to dispose of properly.

Jerusha hopes that as more people get involved with the clean-up days and residents take charge of cleaning up their town, more people will get the message about properly disposing waste.

“With this platform, we want to create a waste conscious community.”

When they brought their sacks of trash to Mahurangi Wastebusters and explained they had collected it from the street, Wastebusters disposed of it for them for free.

Jerusha has a background in environmental management and is planning to collect statistics from the clean-ups to create a waste profile for Wellsford.